As a child, Raphael had dreamed of becoming an astronaut. When it became obvious that this was not going to become reality, he used his artwork to create his own fantasy about space. Raphael's jewel-like exploration of cosmic dust, asteroids and planets render the universe a tangible miracle. By manipulating multiple levels of image capturing - a daisy chain of photographs, video transmissions, hand-painted Polaroids and computer scanning - Raphael presents the artistic process as both inner space and outer space travelogue.
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Vapor Trails, 2009 Chromogenic print (edition of 3) 48" x 60"
Cone Nebula, 2003 Chromogenic print (edition of 3) 43 3/8" x 51"
Planet in Metal Field, 2003 Chromogenic print (edition of 3) 42" x 50"
Septarian Nodule, 2003 Chromogenic print (edition of 3) 30" x 42"
Electromagnetic Planet, 2000 unique Colorspan on canvas with metal leaf 44 1/2" x 54 1/2"
Space Field I, 1996 unique Iris on canvas with metal leaf 30” x 36 1/2”
Planet Tribeca, 2003 Chromogenic print (edition of 3) 42" x 50"
Space Field, 2004 pigmented ink jet on canvas with metal leaf 40" x 48"
Spiral Nebula, 1997 unique Iris on canvas with metal leaf 29" x 28 1/2"
Comet Nebula, 1997 unique Iris on canvas with metal leaf 29" x 35 1/2"
Space Field (Blue) 2010 metal leaf on Polaroid Spectra 4" x 4"
Cosmic Explosion 1996 metal leaf on Polaroid Spectra 4" x 4"
Solar Arc 1992 metal leaf on Polaroid Spectra 4” x 4”
Planet and Quarter Moon 2010 metal leaf on Polaroid Specrta
4" x 4"
Space Field 1998 metal leaf on Polaroid Spectra 4" x 4"
Space Field 1986 acrylic on Polaroid 600 4 1/4" x 3 1/2"
Space Field 2010 metal leaf on Polaroid Spectra 4" x 4"
Space Field 2011 metal leaf on Polaroid Spectra 4" x 4"
Binary Star 1992 gold and metal leaf on Polaroid Spectra 4" x 4"